A while back, as Dave and I were returning from one of our favorite hikes, we stumbled upon a charming, country schoolhouse with a playground. Not just any playground, but an honest-to-goodness old-school playground sporting a teeter-totter (aka seesaw), monkey bars, slide, swings, and lo and behold a merry-go-round. I know from the countless PTA meetings I attended when the kids were growing up, that much of this type of play yard equipment has been deemed dangerous and unsafe for children of the 21st century. All that steel is hard on the noggin. And wood…with splinters? No way, uh-uh, not for our kids.
Despite that contemporary safety warning, I couldn’t resist the call of schoolyard days gone by, and boldly entered the hazard zone. I wasn’t disappointed.
As I hopped up and plopped down, as I scrambled up and slid down, I immediately felt kind of good. Kind of happy. Kind of young. Kind of optimistic. Yeah, I got a little dizzy on the merry-go-round and I wasn’t brave enough to hang upside down from the monkey bars, but I laughed from deep in my belly…out loud. I swear I did. Cross my heart!
Post schoolyard happy hour, I ruminated. Why, exactly, was my adventure so darn exhilarating? I’ve come up with two theories other than that children don’t have to pay the Netflix bill, or any bill for that matter.
#1. It’s the journey, not the outcome that matters. When you’re swinging up into the blue, hair streaming behind in the wind, you aren’t trying to get anywhere. The same is true of the seesaw; it’s just up and down. And well, the merry-go-round is the epitome of going round and round in circles and loving it.
My #2 theory is it’s all in the name. Kids’ play sounds fun: leapfrog, tiddlywinks, king of the hill, and duck, duck, goose. Doing the laundry is drudgery, but if you were whistling and washing, it might be more fun. How about elephant trunking the carpet and whip-waxing the car? Dare I mention spit shining your teeth?
So, what’s my point? My point is that perhaps, we should all let out a collective sigh and be kids again, if only for a moment. Bust out a summersault, cloud gaze, roll down a grassy knoll. Skip rope and try to remember that rhyme, “Cinderella, dressed in yella…” Don’t dilly dally. Kick that can. Shimmy up a tree. Spit watermelon seeds. Stomp around in a mud puddle.
Go ahead and just do it. I double, no, I triple dare you!
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This is so fun, Heide! Thanks for taking the time to play on the playground and then share your writing with us! Having been a teacher forever, I think I was able to hold onto some of that joy longer than many. And having 5 grandchildren now, ages 7 and under, has really given me a boost in that playful direction. Plus, I’m lucky to be married to a “big kid” who makes everything more fun!
I so enjoy your posts! Your grandkids are so fortunate to have you…as is your husband.
Awesome Heide. Wish I could have played along side you. 🙂
Me, too, dear friend.
I love this. About a year ago, I was eating watermelon with a friend and we spontaneously started a seed spitting contest. We laughed until our tummies hurt! ☺️
Doesn’t it feel good to laugh that hard? Want to do more of it. Happy Summer, Meredy.
Oh yes Heide, I can so identify. There is that same Merry Go Round and slide in North Lake by the library and the Grandkids beg to go there. Same slide too but it is usually too hot! There is so much worn down around the Merry Go Round that it turns to a big circle mud puddle if it rains so I just have them take off the shoes! Thanks for helping us to remember. I do go on it too but mostly I am the pusher.
Hi Jessie, The next time I visit, let’s go together. Have a beautiful summer.
Oh Heide Boyden,
This has all the good “feels” we need!!
I am your Tigger to your Piglet and your Pooh (you surely are both-Hip Hip Hooray for the Piglet and the Pooh).
I’ve always enjoyed a good aul’ laugh with you. As well as many crying moments. I thank you for them all. And we (your audience here) are so appreciative of your Playful Musings.
I love you sister, miss you even more.
Yes, all those lovely moments. I cannot wait for them to return in abundance. Heart strings…keep us connected. Love to you and your beautiful family.
That was a fun little memory trip. All that wonderful stretching on the monkey bars and rings and the effort to finish if we were caught in the middle by the bells. And running saying, “I got dibs on the swing!”
Thanks !
Dear Dolly, It is so nice to hear from you! Yes, dibs on this and dibs on that. My kids always fought over who was going to “ride shotgun” in the car. All delightful. Wishing you and Bill a healthy and happy summer.
Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,
Make me a child again just for tonight.
Yes! I was thinking, when I wrote this about Longfellow’s poem “A boy’s will is the wind’s will and the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.” I actually recited that for forensics one year. The good old days.