I was thinking, while grilling a cheese sandwich the other day, about sick days when I was a kid. Those were special days despite upset stomachs, sniffles, and fevers. They were the days when I legitimately skipped school and stayed home. They were the days, when I lounged on the sofa, a glass of icy 7-Up on the coffee table, and undoubtedly a grilled cheese and Campbell’s tomato or chicken noodle soup for lunch. Comfort food.
On those days, I had Mom all to myself and we bonded watching soap operas on TV. As the World Turns, Days of our Lives, and Dark Shadows delivered us from tiresome scratchy throats and housework. We both had a crush on vampire Barnabas Collins and that will surely be another post some other day. What I really want to write about, now, is what came in between segments of those soaps—the commercials or, more specifically, the commercials with catchy jingles.
In the sixties and seventies, TV ads were clever, entertaining, and I often found myself singing along to some Broadway-worthy tune.
Since we are in the dog days of summer and sometimes feeling wilted and bored, I thought I would help you while away a few minutes with a Jingle Quiz. I’ll offer up a line or two from 15 exceptionally worthy jingles from the day, and see if you can guess what product/brand was being pitched. (Answers at the end of the blog.)
- Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t! __________
- My bologna has a first name, it’s __________. My bologna has a second name, it’s _________.
- __________, the San Francisco treat!
- I am stuck on __________ brand, cuz__________ stuck on me.
- Mmm Mmm! Good. Mmm Mmm Good! That’s why __________ are Mmm Mmm, good.
- It’s the real thing, __________ is. That’s the way it should be, _________. What the world wants to see. Whoaa…yeah. The real thing.
- There’s a fragrance that’s here today, and they call it, __________.
- Meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. __________
- Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don’t upset us. All we ask is that you let us have it your way. __________
- When it says __________, __________, __________ on the label, label, label, nothing’s better, better, better on your table, table, table.
- So, kiss a little longer; stay close a little longer. Hold tight a little longer, longer with __________.
- When you say __________, you’ve said it all!
- I’m __________ and I’ve come to stay. Bananas have to ripen in a certain way.
- Plop, plop! Fizz, fizz! Oh, what a relief it is. __________
- You deserve a break today, so get up and get away to __________.
How did you do? I would say if you got less than 5 right, reconsider competing in a vintage TV-related Trivial Pursuit contest. If you got 5-10 right, treat yourself to a Bud, or a Coke, because you do deserve a break today. And, if you guessed 13 or more correctly, well, perhaps you watched way too much television as a kid.
And by the way, no need to thank me.
“For what?” you ask.
The gift of having a repetitive tune jingle-jangling around in your cranium for at least the rest of today.
Answers: 1) Almond Joy 2) Oscar Mayer 3) Rice-a-Roni 4) Band-Aid 5) Campbell’s Soup 6) Coca-Cola 7) Charlie perfume 8) Meow Mix 9) Burger King 10) Libby’s 11) Big Red gum 12) Budweiser 13) Chiquita bananas 14) Alka-Seltzer 15) McDonald’s
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Thanks Heide! A trip down memory lane. I’ll have these jingles streaming through my brain for weeks. LOL!
I have been singing the Big Red Jingle for a week now. Miss you, girl.
Sooo funny. I did very well on the quiz. Too well probably Barnabus FREAKED me and myBFF out!!! Lol
I still remember scenes from Dark Shadows vividly. In fact you can stream it and I have done so on sleepless Covid nights. It’s dated, but in a weird way comforting now. Thanks for reading my musings. Stay well.
It’s probably telling about where the best talent in the advertising world was in those days that the beer and cigarette jingles were usually the most catchy and memorable.
When it’s time to relax. . .
Winston tastes good . . .
Whatwillya have? . . .
Funny you say that. I had the Winston jingle in my first draft and took it out… Bud remained because, well it did along with Burger King and McDonald’s. Funny side story. I actually bought Campbell’s soup to use in the photo and when I read the ingredients I could not believe the #2 ingredient was high fructose corn syrup. I am telling myself that wasn’t the case when we were kids.
Oh…how fun! What a great post!!! My best friend and I were just quizzing each other on theme songs from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. TV was so memorable back in the day–I miss that. As a kid when a lot of these jingles came out, I didn’t know a few of the ones you gave us (like Budweiser, Libby’s, and Charlie’s perfume) but the rest were effectively drilled in and I was singing along as I went through them! Remember this one: “I’m gonna get ya with the Kodak disc…I’m gonna get ya and I’m not gonna miss…it’s just as easy, as easy as this…I’m gonna get ya with the Kodak disc!” Gosh…disc cameras! Wowsa, the world has changed! xo
So happy to give you a break. We all need little breaks from Covid. And yes, I remember the Kodak ad. I also remember loving the polaroid I received as a Christmas gift back then. I still have a few of the snapshots…albeit pretty faded. Yes, the world has changed. XO
I missed 7 and 11 – maybe because they were for girlie products?
Most certainly! Ah, the good old days. Missing you.