I have a teddy bear. Well, he’s actually a dog, but his name is officially Teddy Bear. We call him Teddy.
I had been wanting a cuddly lap-dog for quite some time—nearly seven years. I created a Pinterest board with pictures of “my puppy” and listed desired criteria. He had to fit in my lap (or under the seat in an airplane because I imagined traveling with him). He had to be affectionate. I wanted no shedding, so hair, not fur. And he definitely had to be mostly white with coal black eyes and a button nose—something like Frosty the Snowman in that classic Christmas carol. Oh yeah, and he had to be a girl because I didn’t want to deal with that pesky leg humping.
After the first few years of my vocal dog-dreaming, my family became irritated. “Just do it, already,” they pushed, “get a dog!”
I always had the same response, “No, I have a feeling my dog will come to me.”
Flash forward, or rather, long dissolve in film editing terms, to the time I was talking to the hot tub maintenance guy at our new home in Montana. He mentioned that he had a dog like our rescue Buddy and that, in fact, he had several dogs and several kids and that it was often more than he could handle. Aha! I had a captive, benevolent audience. I told him all about my dream dog. Well, cut to the chase (another movie term), their Morkie (half Maltese and half Yorkshire terrier) wasn’t getting enough attention and they were looking to re-home him. Two days later, Teddy met Buddy, and it was love at first sight…well maybe not for Buddy and Teddy, but definitely for Teddy and me.
Teddy’s transition into our home and into my arms was nearly effortless. Yes, he had a few accidents on the rug, and we had to figure out how to feed the two dogs separately, but he belonged immediately. He curled up in my lap. His hair was soft to the touch and he didn’t shed. He wrapped me and the entire family around his little paw. But there was something else, something intangible, that drew me to this lovable ball of fur.
A short while ago, I went rummaging through my mother’s old cedar chest where I stow my keepsakes. In it, I found the stuffed animal I received one Christmas. I don’t have many items from my childhood, so this timeworn mutt is treasured. It comforted me on many dark nights. Do you see the resemblance? Of course, Teddy came to me and belongs to me, because he was already in my heart. He’s perfect.
Yes, I do realize that Teddy is a boy, and that was not on my list of desired criteria. And yes, he does take the occasional ride on my leg. But who, I ask, could ever really get mad at a face like this?
Teddy is so precious! What a wonderful blog!💕
And dear, Lisa! You know how much these furry beasts mean to us. Wishing you all a happy holiday season…and healthy and safe too!
What an ADORABLE Teddy Bear!! I just lost my little Chloe and my heart is broken!. I don’t want any more, it’s too. Hard to give them up
Dearest Joyce, I am so very sorry to hear that. I think about the day that Teddy crosses the “rainbow bridge” and instantly get teary. I understand your sentiment and wish you holidays full of love.
How precious Heide. Thanks for sharing. Teddy and Teddy Bear are adorable. So happy for you, Teddy and Teddy Bear. There’s nothing like the love of a dog and a childhood teddy bear.
Hi Trudie, Isn’t it amazing how these dogs get into our hearts? Dave says it’s because they love us unconditionally. I say it’s because we feed them gourmet dog food…just kidding. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Ohhh, so sweet Heide! Definitely worth waiting for!
Yes, he is. Just like it has been worth waiting for all the beautiful new Becker cousins who have come into my life. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Even a person like me, who is not fond of small dogs, fell in love with Teddy immediately on introduction. I have to agree that he is very special!
Thank you, Sandy. He has just gotten more and more wonderful. He’s three now and past being a puppy. He is so very, very loving. Missing you guys this Christmas. It just doesn’t seem right to be away from family. Let’s video chat soon. If you have a minute please send us a Go To Meeting invite.
Oh my oh my oh my, Heide! Teddy really is as cute as they come. Congratulations, felicitations, and a very merry Christmas to all concerned!
Hello Sonia, Merry Christmas to you and may 2021 prove so much healthier and happier and free than 2020. Thank you for always being there.
I Love Teddy! And I am so happy that he found you! Lots of love to go around!
I know you have at least one lovable pup, too. I met him/her on a hike one day. Enjoy and have beautiful holidays.