I’ve spent the last week in the place where I grew up—Up North. That’s northern Wisconsin bordering the upper peninsula of Michigan—a land of hunters and anglers, of bears and bobcats, of heart-wrenching beauty.
As I “matured” here—ceased catching bullfrogs and started to dream about boys, the majority of the beauty that surrounded me was lost. I couldn’t see it as walked around in a daze of Aqua Net hairspray and midnight blue Maybelline mascara.
Fast forward a number of years (A girl can’t give away too much information.), I sit by the window in the old family home with a cup of strong coffee, too slack jawed to drink as I watch the morning light spread across the surface of the pond. The beaver paddles by, a Goldeneye duck lands, the swans bob upside down scavenging for tasty weeds. Redwing blackbirds trill, and other than that, all is silent. Puffy white clouds bob, ancient trees reach up to God, the water is still and reflective like me.
Yesterday, I scarfed down a bratwurst. This is a sausage that you often eat with onions or sauerkraut on a soft potato bun. Everyone calls them brats. Not pronounced like a naughty child, but with a little foreign inflection rhyming with “lot.” They aren’t particularly gourmet, and yet, here, Up North, they satisfy the palate and something more. It’s food for thought. Food for more than the body…simple food that nourishes in a hard-to-comprehend way.
On Sunday, I went to American Legion Post 480 and played bingo. For twenty dollars I received a pad of bingo cards and a bottle of colored ink to use as a stamper. I didn’t win a dime, but walked away feeling like I had won the lottery. Amongst the calls of B-12 and O-69, I watched a vet heft his granddaughter upon his shoulders, summer tourists in their expensive sportswear pack in alongside a single table, local volunteers amble the aisles—some with a beer in hand, some with a bag of stove-popped popcorn, all with broad smiles. Simple life. Americana. The way I remember it.
Then, last evening, the rain came and with it a moment of sunshine and a hazy pink sunset. The night was cool and more rain pitter-pattered me to sleep. All the wild things remained tucked in past 5:30 AM, so I reveled in more than six hours of shut-eye as summer solstice has just passed and the days still long. I woke refreshed and grateful.
I grew up, Up North, but all its beauty is being revealed to me as I grow old. I’m looking over the water again, and if I listen hard, I hear more than the blackbirds, I hear the echoes over the land my grandfather called Echo Hill. These ancient voices aren’t melancholy or haunting, but a reminder of a beautiful life where things still run wild and a bratwurst for dinner is all a girl could ever ask for…except for, maybe, the thrill of shouting BINGO!
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Oh, I loved this one, Heide. “. . . ancient trees reaching up to God . . .” He does bless the American heartland! Thank you for taking us there with you.
Have a happy Independence Day!
Thank you, Sonia. I am so happy you enjoyed learning about my “homeland.” Have a beautiful fourth yourself.
Wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing. You write so beautifully.
Thank you. I am always so happy when my words take people away from it all for a moment or two.
Dearest Heide,
What a perfect way to spend this summer. Thank you for letting us be there with you at the lake for just a few minutes. We were carried away.
Sending love,
Kathi and Tim
You said it. See you soon in another restorative place…Montana.
I can feel it and smell the brats and hear the rain. Thank you!!!!
You have got to get up here one of these seasons. It really does nurture. XO
Such sweet imagery and memorable moments captured. I am so enjoying these lovely reads, Heide! You and your writing inspire me! Blessings!
Thank you, Ellen! Hope you are surviving the MT heatwave.
Such sweet imagery and memorable moments, Heide! You and your writing inspire me! Blessings, Ellen.
Thanks,Ellen! I will be heading back to Montana soon. I do hope you are having a lovely summer. And that the writing is going well,
You would think being from California that I could breeze thru this heat, but I’ve lived too long in the PNW! Lol!
I like my brats with sauerkraut, mustard and secret stadium sauce. Each day up north gives you a different look with constantly changing sights and sounds.
I want to know what is in that secret sauce.
Heide, this is my favorite story you have written. Not sure why. Just feels true. Love you.
I miss you! Love you, too. This story came out quick but from a place deep within. My roots.
This is MARVELOUS! A laugh-out-loud, and later, tears in the eyes wonder. Your wonder and vision are so delish!
Thank you, Susan! I hope Hawaii recharges you as much as Wisconsin did me. Love you!